Friday, March 25, 2011

Song of the Week (CSS - Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above vs. Death from Above 1979)

Hey there Gheyng...I know I've been neglecting my duties. In all honesty, I've just been playing a LOT of Jenga lately. Just when you think you're gettin' somewhere, that tower comes toppling frustrating...

This week's double-header is partly thematic and 100% rad. A few months ago my roommate told me about this band: Death from Above 1979. I only listened to one song, and it was aight, but didn't really catch my fancy. Enter CSS: in preparation for what will undoubtedly be one of the best indie shows of 2011, I started listening to some CSS. These (mostly) Brazilian emo chicks have some very catchy, danceable tracks What is it about Brazilian emo chicks that is so awesome? I asked myself. I then answered: pretty much everything.

The track: "Let's Make Love and Listen (to) Death from Above" stands on its own:

It's got a great bass line, infectious hooks and various additional awesomeness. Upon several listens, I had to learn more about what is clearly an influential band: Death from Above 1979.

Luckily, I had already ripped DFA's LP from a few months ago, entitled: "You're a Woman, I'm a Machine". Could there be a better album name / band name combo? I put the disc on shuffle and a song called: "Little Girl" came on. The volume turned up, the windows came down, speed on 75 increased, and radness ensued.

I later learned that DFA 1979 is a DUO! 2 dudes put out that wall of sound! DFA 1979 is the kind of band that makes me feel like I wasted 5 years playing bass with the wrong tone. It's metal, but accessible.

Here's the only decent music vid from DFA: "Romantic Rights"

Now the real question: How would one make love to Death from Above?
Answer: TBD

Hope you Dig,

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