Friday, May 14, 2010

Song of the Week (Stan Bush - The Touch)

OK...I nearly lost it when I stumbled across this little gem in my search for inspirational 80s songs. Stan Bush is what happens when Van Halen gets REALLY into Saturday morning cartoons. Some of you (of the female persuasion) won't be able to relate. But I dream of a world where Saturday morning cartoons are held sacred, and a man will not be judged for recording Thundercats and Voltron on the Cartoon Network when he is in his late-20s. To quote a certain 9th grade football coach: "Sometimes I wake up in cold sweat just dreamin' about strappin' on the armor just one more time". For the record, I didn't make that up. My coach really said that to us. Clearly, he didn't have the touch...because half of us quit the team later that season. But his words ring true.

You know who does have the touch, aside from Stan Bush?


YOU got the touch. And, when all Hell's breakin' loose, You'll be ridin' the eye of the storm. You're fightin' fire with fire...YOU'RE A WINNER!

If there's one thing I know about You, it's that You're at your best when the goin' gets tough. I know because I've seen You put to the test, but it's never enough.

You remember when that guy, Coon, called you a fool? He said you were somebody's fool. Oh Contraire Coon...You're NOBODY's FOOL!

Hey Coon, does a fool know The Streets? F No he doesn't!
Would a fool break the rules? No F'ing way!
What about taking the heat? Are you kidding? Fools HATE taking the heat!

I this video Stan Bush shoots lasers from his guitar into a cartoon movie: 1986's Transformers. Between You and Me, I don't like all of these bandwagon jumpers claiming to like Transformers after seeing the CGI, Shia LaBoef-bag version a few years ago. Me and You were claiming allegiance to Optimus Prime years ago. We've been battling Decepticons since '86.

BTW...if any of you know the whereabouts of:
1) Stan Bush's laser shooting guitar which can seamlessly transition from reality to cartoon
2) Marty McFly's hooverboard from BTTF Part II
3) Flight of the Navigator's baller spaceship

Please let me know.

Shout out to all of You...please go do some WINNING this weekend!

Hope you Dig,

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