It's safe to say they don't make 'em like this anymore. I mean F! Whenever I hear this song, I think to myself: don't you cry...because this song is so f'ing baller. For the record, I have never cried...while listening to this song, but it has clearly been contemplated.
GNR bucked the hair metal trend of glammy wussitude (via Poison, Ratt, Wasp, etc.) and delivered some of the most solid rock n roll of (dare I say?) all time. In this particular video, you get the double-barreled Axl / Slash dominance. Axl delivers the sensitive side, like when his girlfriend wrestles the gun away from him as he tries to kill himself, and Slash delivers the ultimate DISS: driving his '66 Shelby Cobra off a cliff with his girlfriend in it, as he shreds the most awesome solo. When done shredding, you know what he does? He f'ing throws that guitar down the cliff, as if to say: "Sup Now?"
There are so many things to cry about these days:
1) you may think the economy is in tatters
2) you may think working all the time sux
3) you may think your neighbor, O'Dowd, is a total beat-down
4) you may have gotten in a battle with your cat, Sam, where he bit your hand...and your feelings
Take Axl's advice: "Don't you cry tonight"
Hope you Dig,
So radical. Both the song, and Axl's jean shorts.
So did Slash get out of the car before it flew off the cliff and somehow composed himself quickly enough to lay down a kick-ass guitar solo, or was he in the car and the guitar solo was more symbolic than anything? used to slow-dance to this song in 6th grade, not sure how; much like Stairway to Heaven about 1/2 through you're ready to throw your dance partner to the side and headbutt somebody. love it!